Constitution & Bylaws

The Southwest Idaho Dahlia Society constitution and bylaws are the foundation by which our club is run. It outlines the procedures and guidelines for membership, leadership, meetings, finances, and more.



Section 1: This organization shall be known as the Southwest Idaho Dahlia Society.

Section 2: The Southwest Idaho Dahlia Society shall be a not-for-profit organization.

Section 3: The Southwest Idaho Dahlia Society shall be a participating member of the Ameri-can Dahlia Society.

ARTICLE II: Objectives

Section 1: To promote the growing and interest in growing dahlias by stimulating the interest of gardeners and horticulturists.

Section 2: To promote the capabilities of its members by teaching, showing, and doing the proper and accepted methods to grow beautiful dahlias.

Section 3: To publish articles on dahlia culture specific to growing dahlias in our high desert climate.

Section 4: To promote showing and the public exhibition of dahlias throughout the region.

ARTICLE III: Membership

Section 1: Anyone interested in the growing of dahlias shall be eligible for membership upon payment of the required membership dues subject to the provisions of the by laws.

ARTICLE IV: Officers

Section 1: The officers of the society shall consist of:

(1) President

(2) Vice President

(3) Secretary

(4) Treasurer

(5) Past President

(6) Directors – 4 members

Section 2: The Executive Board shall be all the elected officers of Section 1 above and the ADS Representative.

ARTICLE V: Meetings

Section 1: Regular meetings of the society shall be subject to the decisions of the executive board and the provisions of the bylaws.

Section 2: Meetings of the executive board shall be held at least quarterly, or when required at the determination of the president.

ARTICLE VI: Amendments

Section 1: Amendments to the constitution will be scheduled for a vote provided that the proposed amendment shall be written or electronically signed by at least three members, and then proposed at the next meeting following when it was proposed.

Section 2: Amendments to the constitution are to be approved by a two thirds majority of the membership present at the next member meeting or the following annual meeting.

Section 3: All members of the society shall be notified of the proposed amendment not less than five days prior to the meeting at which the amendment shall be presented for a vote.


ARTICLE I: Membership

Section 1: Individual membership shall be for one person. Family membership shall be for all persons living in one household.

Section 2: Junior membership shall be for persons under eighteen (18) years of age. Junior membership does not include voting privileges.

Section 3: Each member over 18 years of age shall have one vote at general meetings.

Section 4: Membership will be terminated for non-payment of dues. Members whose dues remain unpaid by January 15th of the new year shall be notified of the fact, and if the dues remain unpaid after the February general meeting, such member shall be stricken from the rolls of the society.


Section 1: The fiscal and membership year shall be from January 1 to December 31.

Section 2: Dues for individual membership shall be $20.00. Dues for family membership shall be $25.00. Junior members do not have to pay dues.

Section 3: New members joining the society at or after the annual meeting will be granted membership through the next fiscal year.

ARTICLE III: Duties of Officers

Section 1: President

Clause 1: Shall have general supervision of the affairs of the society.

Clause 2: Shall preside at all meetings of the society.

Clause 3: Shall have a vote at any meeting for the purpose of breaking a tie vote.

Clause 4: Shall appoint all committee chairpersons.

Clause 5: Shall sign all written contracts of the society.

Section 2: Vice President

Clause 1: The vice president shall succeed to the duties of the president in their absence.

Section 3: Secretary

Clause 1: Shall record all minutes of all meetings of the society.

Clause 2: Shall keep record of all meetings in a reasonably secure fashion. All records shall be the property of the society.

Clause 3: Shall give notice of all meetings.

Section 4: Treasurer

Clause 1: Shall be the custodian of all the funds of the society which shall be deposited in a bank account in the name of the society.

Clause 2: Shall maintain financial records that can be audited.

Clause 3: Shall develop and submit reports required by the state and federal agencies to maintain the society’s tax status.

Section 5: Directors

Clause 1: Shall be voting members of the executive board.

Clause 2: Shall act as custodians of all properties of the society. They shall audit the books of the treasurer prior to the annual meeting. Shall be under the direction and guidance of the executive board and perform duties as may be necessary for the welfare and advancement of the society.

Section 6: Past President

Clause 1: This position is subject to board approval.

Clause 2: This position is subject to past president’s desire to participate.

ARTICLE IV: Meetings

Section 1: Regular meetings shall be held on the second Thursday of each month, subject to the will of the executive board.

Section 2: Regular board meetings shall be held at least quarterly, subject to the will of the executive board.

Section 3: The October member meeting shall be designated as the annual meeting of the society at which time election of officers shall take place and the annual reports given.

Section 4: Members having questions or a need for more information than what is presented at the member meetings may write a petition directed to the executive board for clarification at the following member meeting.

Section 5: Member meetings will consist of committee reports, programs of interest, educational topics, and social functions.

Section 6: Action on business items will be at the discretion of the executive board and considered at board meetings only. The decision of the executive board will be final.

Section 7: Special board meetings may be called for by three (3) executive board members by submitting a written and signed statement of purpose. If the president fails to call a meeting within ten (10) days of the request, the secretary shall do so.

Section 8: Minutes of all board meetings shall be distributed to all members prior to the next member meeting.

Section 9: Minutes of all member meetings shall be accessible to all members.

Section 10: There shall be no votes by proxy permitted at any meeting.


Section 1: Ten (10) members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at a member or annual meeting.

Section 2: Five (5) members of the executive board shall constitute a quorum for the transac-tion of business at any board meeting.

ARTICLE VI: Committees

Section 1: The president may appoint committees as deemed necessary.

Section 2: The president shall appoint all committee chairpersons subject to the approval of the executive board.

Section 3: Committee chairmen may be granted voting privileges by the executive board.

Section 4: The president shall appoint a member to serve as the ADS Representative.

ARTICLE VII: Election of Officers

Section 1: The president shall appoint, on or before the September member meeting, three (3) members to serve as a nominating committee. The chairman of this committee will serve as a director. This committee shall submit a list of candidates to the secretary not less than six (6) days prior to the annual meeting. The secretary will disseminate the list of candidates to the membership not less than five (5) days prior to the annual meeting.

Section 2: Nominations from the floor will be taken. Members nominated from the floor must be present and be willing to serve.

Section 3: A majority vote of those members present shall elect.

Section 4: Election will be by voice vote unless two (2) or more candidates are nominated and at least one of the candidates requests a secret ballot.

Section 5: Officer’s terms will begin on January 1st following the election.

Section 6: Term of office shall be for two years or until a successor is elected. The Executive Board will be responsible for filling any vacancy for the unexpired portion of any term. There is no limit to the number of terms an officer or director may serve in their position.

Section 7: There shall be four (4) Directors, each serving a two (2) year term. Two (2) Directors shall be elected on alternating years.


Section 1: The fiscal year of the society shall begin on January 1st.

Section 2: No part of the net earnings of this organization shall inure to the benefit of any member.

Section 3: Income from any trade or business conducted by the society will be directly related to the purpose stated in the constitution and by laws.

Section 4: Solicitations for contributions must include a statement that donations are not deductible as charitable contributions for federal income tax purposes.

Section 5: The president shall be authorized to spend up to $100.00 per month for expenses of an emergency nature.

Section 6: The accounts of the treasurer shall be reviewed annually by three (3) members appointed by the president. They shall report the results of their review at the last board meeting of the fiscal year.

Section 7: No member of the society shall be personally liable for the debts, liabilities, or obligations of the society.

ARTICLE IX: Dissolution

Section 1: Should the Southwest Idaho Dahlia Society, through any circumstances, cease to exist, it will be the duty of the executive board to settle all society accounts and to donate all remaining funds to the American Dahlia Society.

ARTICLE X: Parliamentary Authority

Section 1: Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern all meetings of the Southwest Idaho Dahlia Society.

ARTICLE XI: Amendments

Section 1: Amendments to the bylaws are to be approved by a two-thirds majority of the membership present at the annual meeting, or a special meeting called for that purpose.

Section 2: Amendments to the bylaws will be scheduled for a vote, provided that the proposed amendment shall be written, signed by at least three (3) members, and then proposed at a general meeting.

Section 3: All members of the society shall be notified by mail, or email, of the proposed amendment not less than five (5) days prior to the meeting at which the amendment shall be presented for a vote. Member notification by newsletter will satisfy the notification requirement.